On feeling offended

I feel offended when people write about painful things happening in another part of the world, but nothing about the things that are happening in their own country or society. So fake!

I feel offended when people write about painful things that are happening in our nation but selectively. So much bias!
I feel offended when people write only about painful things. So much negativity!
I feel offended when people write only about positive things. So much apathy!
I feel offended when people feel pained about something and then do it themselves. So much hypocrisy!

I feel offended when people put up cliche ‘objective’ posts on FB but choose words that are clearly biased. So much pretense!

I feel offended that proper educated people, including my own relatives and friends can think so irrationally!!! So much foolishness!

I feel offended that I can do nothing about the fake, bias, negativity, apathy, hypocrisy, pretense and foolishness.

Things just don’t change!

Until I ask “Why the heck do I get offended so easily?”

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