Showing 58 Result(s)

Our search for THE answer

Have you ever wondered what the secret behind great leadership is? Have you ever seen arguments?  That it is about ‘authenticity’…or ‘integrity’..or ‘compassion’….or ‘vulnerability’ perhaps! There are dozens of answers and hundreds of arguments when it comes to cracking the code of life. All based on one assumption: That there is one single answer. And …

If you have ever agonized to take the “Right” decision

We analyze, think, over-think, obsess, mull, debate, argue on what is the right decision. As soon as we see the possibility of undesirable consequences, we assume the decision is not good enough. And we think more. We forget that the consequences are absolutely not in our control. Including the emotional consequences. For others and for ourselves. More …

How to control our emotions

 “Don’t worry…women just cry. Makes us feel better”  My wife kept saying this. So did other women.  I had a very hard time wrapping my head around this statement. Why would someone cry?! Isn’t it something to be avoided?  Why would someone not share?? Was it something I did? Then I am ready to solve …