Showing 1 Result(s)

How you might have a big ego – and have no clue about it

  ‘Big ego’ is often misunderstood as a high “superiority complex”. Actually the ‘ego’ is simply the ‘complex’ itself: Our idea, our concept about ourself. Doesn’t matter what the idea is. It might be a positive idea(“I am a great human being…others are average”) – which is commonly believed as “being egoistic”. It can be a negative …

How do I learn to say No?

I could tell you a 100 reasons why you should say ‘No’, why trying to please others is futile, why setting boundaries is healthy – but you already know all that! Otherwise you would not be asking this question. Therefore, I think it might be more useful to understand what stops us from saying ‘No’…even if we know we …

Can being emotional and being rational go together? Yes!

We have this assumption that being emotional is being irrational. Counter productive. Silly. And being rational is about being cool, calm…and most importantly – unemotional.  This often creates a conflict where others blame us for being ‘too logical’, ‘cold’, ‘insensitive’. Can being emotional and rational go together? Can they be balanced? Yes!  By understanding how …