Hi, I am Vijayraj!
Coach | TEDx speaker | Author
I work in the HR/OD function for a major telecom company. Transformational coaching is my passion. When you feel stuck in your personal or professional life, I help you raise your self-awareness, gain clarity, find your own answers and happily move forward.
My journey
One of the questions I am often asked is “How on earth did you get started in all this?”
For as long as I can remember, from the age of 5 to be precise, I’ve been insatiably curious about human behavior. I wanted to know, what exactly is it that makes people genuinely happy, successful and fulfilled? Why do some people struggle while others find a way to thrive, often despite the most challenging circumstances?
My own journey led me to answers that go beyond just motivational talks, and discovering what it takes to truly transform ourselves. Through different schools of Western and Eastern psychology, spirituality, including Vedanta.
This journey resulted in 3 TEDx talks, 3 Best selling books, being a 2 time Quora top writer with 1000+ articles and 60,000+ followers and being published in international magazines.
My passion was so strong, that I even shifted careers from Technology consulting with a Big 4 consulting firm to Organizational Development, coaching and leadership development. I am a visiting faculty at TISS and other institutions.
My approach
The usual focus on transforming our life is based on figuring out weaknesses, building skills, will power, motivation etc. My approach is not based on will power, skills or techniques. It is based on seeing reality in a different way, a clearer way. Because the way we respond to situations depends not on who we are (good/ bad/ lazy/ intelligent/ dumb etc) but on how they seem to us (easy/ important/ impossible/ hard/ achievable etc)
The way we respond to situations depends not on who we are but on how those situations seem to us
Once we see reality differently, and much more clearly – it leads to deep inner shifts that permeate into every aspect of our lives. Brings focus and frees up a lot of energy. Figuring out steps and moving forward becomes much simpler. If this intrigues you, read what my clients say about my approach